

Jason and Kate have been married for

InDeserto Updates

5.10.10 Updated 2010 Photos  

3.10.10 Madeline!!  

11.9.09 Updated 2009 Photos  

11.9.09 Updated 2008 Photos  

11.5.09 Tour of Baseball  

3.29.09 India - Fall 2008  

5.13.08 Red Sox in Minnesota  

5.13.08 Celtics Playoff Game  

5.12.08 Boston Marathon  

7.10.07 Germany  

6.10.07 Arizona  

6.10.07 Covered Bridges Half Marathon  

6.10.07 Lehigh Valley Race  

6.10.07 New York City  

3.30.07 Maple Sugaring  

In Deserto

Maddie March 10,2010 Introducing Madeline!! By Kate and Jason

Movies November 5, 2009 Movie and Photo Menus Updated By Kate and Jason

Site Update March 29, 2009 Site Re-Launched! By Kate and Jason

Wedding Photos December 5, 2003 Wedding Photos By Kate and Jason

Website Intro November 25, 2003 Website Introduction By Kate and Jason